Dr. Brett Wood
Gonstead Chiropractor
Dr. Brett Wood is a Chiropractor that is dedicated to leading as many lives as possible to health and wellness. His passion is in wellness, especially family wellness because he believes that it is at this level that we can begin to change our country’s continuing downward spiral as the sickest country in the world. Disease is running rampant in many forms and there seems to be no real answer for them. Does it seem right that medications once intended for short term use are now for a lifetime use or that many of the adverse effects of medicine can be worse than the symptom it is intended to treat? Dr. Brett is on a mission to get families back to the basics of health, and utilize the FULL potential of the body to heal itself.
Dr. Brett attended the University of Texas at Arlington from Sept ’96 to may ‘01 where he met a soon-to-be phenomenal Gonstead Chiropractor. While in college, this close friend of his asked if he believed the body could heal itself. The answer was an unquestionable yes. Little did he know at the time that this would be the foundational belief of Chiropractic. Three years later he graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic in 2004. Dr. Brett believes we don’t ALWAYS need drugs to get better. As a matter of fact, the most potent, powerful and abundant pharmacy comes from our Creator and is found in each one of us. We only need to make sure our bodies are working properly to tap into this resource. This is where Chiropractic comes in. Hard to believe Chiropractic could be for more than just pain, but it ABSOLUTELY is. In his career thus far, he has TRULY seen miracles happen. Dr. Brett is very passionate about his career. He also loves his family, fitness, golf, volleyball, traveling and our Dallas sports!!
Dr. Brett is a Wellness expert and has done immense studying on nutrition. He continuously counsels his patients on the importance of proper diet, nutrition, exercise programs, and a stress free lifestyle. Much of his time and focus is spent on his practice, educating his patients and speaking to the general public through lectures or spinal screenings.
Gonstead procedures are the result of extensive clinical research by Clarence S. Gonstead, founder of the world famous Gonstead Clinic of Chiropractic.
Gonstead chiropractors like Dr. Brett Wood go beyond what many chiropractors consider a spinal assessment by conducting a thorough analysis of your spine using five criteria to detect the presence of the vertebral subluxation complex.
Visualization is a way to cross reference all the other findings. A Gonstead Chiropractor is an expert in looking for subtle changes in your posture and movement which could indicate any problems.
Static Palpatation
This is simply the process of feeling (or palpating) your spine in a stationary (or static) position. Your chiropractor will feel for the presence of swelling, tenderness and any abnormal texture or tightness in the muscles and other tissues of your back.
X-Ray Analysis
X-ray films enable your doctor to visualize the entire structure of your spine. This is helpful in evaluating posture, joint and disc integrity, vertebral misalignments and ruling out any pathologies, or recent fractures that may be present or contributing to the patient’s condition. These full-spine radiographs are taken in the standing, weight-bearing position to fully substantiate the examination findings.
The instrument of choice in the Gonstead System is the Nervoscope. The Nervoscope detects uneven distributions of heat along the spine which can be indicative of inflammation and nerve pressure. This instrument is guided down the length of your back and feels like two fingers gliding down each side of your spine.
Motion Palpatation
This process involves feeling the spine while moving and bending it at various angles. This enables the chiropractor to determine how easily or difficult each segment in your spine moves in different directions.
After a complete analysis, a Gonstead chiropractor is ready to deliver any necessary adjustments. The focus of the Gonstead adjustment is to be as specific, precise and accurate as possible, addressing only the problem areas (areas of subluxation). Great care is taken to ensure a bio-mechanically correct position and precise thrust to provide the most accurate and painless adjustment possible. It is the goal of the Gonstead doctor to restore and maintain optimal health by locating and correcting any interference to the nervous system caused by vertebral subluxation.
“Find the subluxation, accept it where you find it, correct it and leave it alone.”
– C.S. Gonstead
Our Address
2920 W. Southlake Boulevard, Suite 110
Southlake, Texas 76092 \\ Tel: 817-741-9355 24/7/365
Office Hours
Monday: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM; 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM; 2:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM: 2:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 12:00PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed